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Pain Management

Are you struggling with chronic pain? At MotionPro we offer exceptional Pain Management services. We specialize in addressing a wide range of pain conditions, utilizing effective techniques to bring you relief and improve your quality of life.


Our Expertise Covers a Wide Range of Pain Types Like:

  • Neck pain due to Herniated or Bulging Disc, Headaches, Arthritis, Pinched Nerve or Stenosis, Muscle tightness, Bad Posture.


  • Shoulder Pain due to Rotator Cuff Tear/Tendinitis, Shoulder Impingement and Bursitis, Arthritis, Labrum Tear, Instability/Dislocations, and Frozen Shoulders.


  • Elbow pain due to Golfer’s elbow, Tennis elbow, and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.


  • Low Back pain due to Herniated or Bulging disc, Back muscle strain/tightness, Back Arthritis, Pinched Nerve or Stenosis, Sciatica, Bad Posture.


  • Hip pain due to Impingement, Hip Labral Tear, Hip Arthritis, Bursitis, and Piriformis Syndrome.


  • Knee pain due to Arthritis, Meniscus Tear, Patellofemoral Disorder, Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome, Ligament injuries, Quad and Hamstring Strains.


  • Ankle and Foot pain due to Sprains, Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Turf toe, and Shin Splints.


Pre And Post Surgery Treatments

Are you preparing for surgery or recovering from a recent procedure?


Our exceptional Pre and Post Surgery Treatments are designed to support your journey towards a full and speedy recovery.


We Specialize In Three Key Areas

  • Joint Replacements,

  • Accident or Traumatic Injuries, and

  • Amputee Rehabilitation

  • Spine, upper and lower extremities elective surgeries or invasive procedures


Functional Mobility Deficits

If you're coping with mobility limitations, our expert team will work with you to develop a personalized plan to optimize your functionality.


Through skilled techniques and tailored therapies, we'll help you regain control over your body, increase your range of motion, and improve overall mobility.


We Specialize In:

  • Mobility limitation due to New and Chronic Stroke(s)

  • Parkinson's

  • Postural Deficits

  • Balance Problems

  • TMJ Problems

Sports: Injury Prevention, Treatment, and Training

Enhance your athletic performance and prevent injuries with our Prevention, Treatment, and Training services.


We Offer Specialized Programs For:

  • Golf Rehabilitation/ TPI Program

  • Swimmer Shoulders

  • Running and Biking injuries

  • Biomechanical Analysis for injury prevention related to Golf, Swimming, Running, Biking, and other sports

  • Triathlon Coaching


Maximize your potential and reach your fitness goals. 


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